Global South

The new middle class in India and Brazil – Green perspectives?

Since the beginning of the new millennium, the growth of the “New Middle Class” in the world’s rapidly emerging economies has received much interest, even excitement. But what is new middle class really like in countries such as India and Brazil? And to what extent does it have a potential for green politics?

India-Africa partnership: A civil society perspective

India-Africa civil society reflections on the “Third India-Africa Forum Summit” held in October 2015. The publication is an event report on a seminar that brought civil society representatives from India and Africa to dialogue for greater developmental co-operation.

Development finance in BRICS countries

The recent establishment of the New (BRICS) Development Bank has raised hopes for new approaches in development finance, while fears emerged that social and environmental standards may being weakened. A new study looks at the experience and past performance of BRICS countries in development financing.