Indian Foreign Policy: People, Power and Perspectives
Gender Just Transition
Food Journeys: Stories fom the Heart
A podcast from our book discussion with Zubaan Books at IIC. Explore stories of indigenous ingredients, traditional recipes, and the social dynamics shaping food in Northeast India.
Curated by Rajib Nandi
Perspectives Asia is a publication series.
Reimagining bioregional governance
Indigenous Knowledge Systems
A space for inquiry into an alternative ecology of knowledges and practices
Book Launch & Discussion
Alternative Worldviews: SHARING LIFE The Ecopolitics of Reciprocity
Alternative Worldviews: SHARING LIFE The Ecopolitics of Reciprocity - Book Launch & Discussion - Heinrich Böll Stiftung Delhi

Energy Transition Platform South Asia
Partnership of Sustainable Energy Practitioners for creating a Fossil Fuel Free South Asia by 2050.
Energy Transition Platform
Perspectives Asia #10
In this latest issue, we look at how the pandemic is reshaping state/society relationships in Asia.
Unpacked! Plastic, Waste, & Me
A perspective from India and South Africa