Curated by Rajib Nandi
Perspectives Asia is a publication series.
Reimagining bioregional governance
Mini Dossier
Indigenous Knowledge Systems
A space for inquiry into an alternative ecology of knowledges and practices
Book Launch & Discussion
Alternative Worldviews: SHARING LIFE The Ecopolitics of Reciprocity
Alternative Worldviews: SHARING LIFE The Ecopolitics of Reciprocity - Book Launch & Discussion - Heinrich Böll Stiftung Delhi

Energy Transition Platform South Asia
Partnership of Sustainable Energy Practitioners for creating a Fossil Fuel Free South Asia by 2050.
South Asia
Energy Transition Platform
Perspectives Asia #10
In this latest issue, we look at how the pandemic is reshaping state/society relationships in Asia.
The book about plastic for people aged 12 and over
Unpacked! Plastic, Waste, & Me
A perspective from India and South Africa
Global perspectives on digital trends during the crisis
Tech and Covid-19
20th Anniversary of UNSC Resolution 1325 on Women, Peace and Security
No Women - No Peace
Energy transition around the world
Global Energy Transition
Facts and figures about the world of synthetic polymers