Abhishek Chauhan


Evolving around the main essay “Sharing life. The Ecopolitics of Reciprocity” all contributions to this assemblage reflect a common understanding that ecology and biodiversity needs to be reclaimed – and constantly generated – as a process of lived and living realities in a system of reciprocal relationships. Accordingly, this assemblage itself creates in its parts and as a whole an image of this interwoven system and linkages, drawing an alternative ecological and political landscape. It should be seen as a constant process and as an invitation to a dialogue about a common ecological future. This assemblage of stories, poetry, song, artwork and academic writings, speaks about alternative worldviews and traditional knowledge systems of the people of Northeast India and beyond.

This contribution is part of Alternative Worldviews.

Product details
Date of Publication
December 2020
Heinrich Böll Stiftung
Number of Pages
Language of publication
Table of contents


Daniel Langthasa


Bhagat Oinam

Revisiting animism: An insider’s story of the western discourse

Linda Chhakchhuak

Saving jhum, the crucible of life in Northeast mountains

Sonal Jain

The entropic forest-2020

Jayanta Kumar Sarma

Intrinsic wisdom for enduring nature

Andreas Weber

Sharing Life

The Ecopolitics of Reciprocity

On Writing Animism: Undoing Western Logic from Within

Mutuality and the Ecological Good

What is Animism?

Unbraining: Towards a Self-Decolonisation of the West

The Rules of Aliveness

Kinship: An Ethics of Increase

Ecopolitics: Renouncing Immortality

 Rules for Behaving Well in the

Society of Being



Meghna Singh

Naming and citation as recognition

Aküm Longchari

The power of many stories

Kaustubh Deka

Framing the indigene in a frontier in flux: Responses from Northeast India

Uttam Bathari

River, rituals and communities

Ash Narain Roy

Revisiting indigenous epistemologies of North East India

Shrishtee Bajpai

A living hill: Reflections on animistic worldviews, stories, resistance and hope


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