
Here you find an overview about English publications of the Heinrich Böll Foundation, which you can download or order if a print version is offered.

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India International


Inclusivity in Action

This paper unpacks the rise of feminist foreign policy principles in India's evolving policy landscape. Though not formally adopting FFP, India's gender mainstreaming efforts have gained significant traction over the past decade. We decode these developments to reveal their impact on India's foreign and domestic policies.

Financing sustainable development

The study takes a civil society perspective to the workings of the Asian Infrastructure Bank. The frameworks, policies and modalities are analyzed to understand the role of civil society in interfacing with the Bank. This is a noteworthy endeavor in the direction of ensuring accountability and accountability standards in Multilateral Development Banks. 

A note on green federalism

The success of green federalism depends on what institutional mechanisms are created to establish communication and procedures between the various tiers of government and the thematic resorts that need to be involved to adequately address projects and programmes towards ecologically sustainable development.

India's development cooperation with ASEAN

The study enquires the India-ASEAN partnership from a civil society perspective and explores the potential and opportunities of this co-operation. The possibilities for further strengthening the cooperation are drawn out, while highlighting gaps and challenges that presently impede closer ties. The study makes a case for a greater role of civil society organizations between the countries of ASEAN and India.
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Plastic infobrief

वैश्विक प्लाास्टिक प्रदूषण से संघर्ष

संपूर्ण प्लास्टिक चक्र पर एक नारीवादी दृष्टिकोण से आलोचनात्मक नज़र भी महत्वपूर्ण है, क्योंकि प्लाास्टिक समस्या को केवल उपभोक्ता उपयोग पैटर्न या कॉस्मेटिक उत्पादों में हानिकारक माइक्रोप्लास्टिक तक सीमित नहीं किया जा सकता है। इसके विपरीत, प्लास्टिक चक्र का प्रत्येक चरण अलग-अलग लिंग-विशिष्ट अनुभवों और जोखिमों को दर्शाता है।

Perspectives Asia #11: Transitions

Change is all around us; experiencing it can be exciting or worrisome, confusing or even disturbing. By contrast, the idea of “transition” stands to provide a sense of direction, in a sea of change and insecurity. Change may be happening to us; a transition has direction, it can be planned, perhaps even be initiated. It moves into a positive, sustainable direction – or so we hope.
Basic Income

Basic Income | Livelihood

This English publication by Adrienne Goehler deals with the mutual relationship between sustainability, basic income and collective deceleration. The work shows that in the discourse on transformation and sustainability in the fight against the constantly advancing climate change, a systematic integration of the issues of social inequality and the global creation of decent livelihoods are absolutely necessary.
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Ecology & Energy Transition

Gender Just Transition

Gender Just Transition

Toolkit / Training Resource
This communication toolkit provides a feminist lens on just transition from a Global South perspective. It integrates knowledge and training resources to help unpack the gendered dimensions of energy transition and support a just, climate-resilient future.  
Framing the Gender and Just Transition Discourse in India

Framing the Gender and Just Transition Discourse in India

Working Paper
This working paper examines the intersection of gender and just transition in India, focusing on the perspectives of women in the informal economy. It highlights the impact of the energy transition on women and provides recommendations for a gender-equitable approach to policy and practice.

Grassroots Options

Explore the untold stories of resilience, ecological harmony, and the evolving dynamics of jhum cultivation in Northeast India. Discover how indigenous communities blend age-old traditions with modern challenges in a special issue of Grassroots Options.
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Perspective Asia #7: Nationalisms and populisms in Asia

The latest issue of Perspectives Asia aims to draw a fine line between different forms of nationalism. The articles from various Asian countries focus on strategies and political styles adopted by populist leaders and explain how nationalistic and religious ideas are distorted by politics. 

Perspectives Asia #6: Digital Asia

Over the last years, Asia has undergone an impressive digital transformation. Large parts of the continent have turned from the world’s factory into a creative industry.The different contributions across the continent highlight both the opportunities and risks of digitalization in Asia.

Perspectives Asia #5: Politics of food

Food is a highly political issue. Nowhere is this more true than in Asia. This publication seeks to illustrate some conflicting issues in the field of food and nutrition. The contributions highlight a selection of fields, where political action is needed to ensure that there is enough food on people's plate, which is also healthy and nutritious.

Perspectives Asia #3: A continent on the move

Asia, the world’s most populous continent, has been undergoing a dramatic transformation. Globalization and new technologies are leading millions of people out of poverty. At the same time thousands have to leave their country. A continent on the move.

Perspectives Asia #1: Copper, Coal and Conflicts

In this issue, our authors report on conflicts stemming from coal and copper mining in Afghanistan, India, and Myanmar. The articles on Cambodia and on Inner Mongolia in China illustrate how the traditional economic models and ways of life of indigenous populations suffer from the unrestrained exploitation of raw materials.