Look east policy India and Myanmar pitching for greater connectivity
The Look East Policy (LEP), enunciated by the Narasimha Rao Government, marked a new defining moment and a long-term strategic shift in India’s foreign policy. India recognised the strategic and economic importance of Southeast Asia with which it had historic trade, cultural and civilizational ties. The LEP was not just an external economic policy blueprint or a journey of openness and global economic integration, it marked a strategic shift in India’s vision and its place in the comity of nations. This visionary policy created a new framework for deepening economic, political, cultural and people-to-people ties between India and Myanmar, in particular. Thanks to the Look East Policy, India’s gaze is now falling on Southeast and East Asian region.
India’s compatibility with the South East Asian countries with regard to better regional
cooperation lies in the fact of its abstinence from exhibiting hegemonistic ambitions, making it more benign towards South East Asia. The Look-East Policy is expected to usher in a new era of development for the North East through network of pipelines, connectivity, communication and trade. There are several factors that have propelled India to cultivate closer ties with Myanmar. These include peace, stability and development in the North-East, transit trade, greater economic opportunities and protecting strategic interests.
This compilation of conference papers provides a useful source of information and insights into the complexities of the region.
Product details
Date of Publication
August 2014
Burma Centre Delhi, Institute of Social Sciences & Heinrich Böll Stiftung
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