Jyoti a free lance artist and retired teacher. I was born on July 18 1944 in Pune.
Jyoti studied art at the Camberwell School of Art, London, 1959-63. Invited by Dom Bede Griffiths to the Kurisumala Ashram in Kerala to work with the architect Laurie Baker, who was pioneering culturally relevant approaches to Vernacular architecture.
Jyoti has taught in various institutions on the relation of visual arts to Indian culture. He founded an Art Ashram in 1983.
Taught at the Srishti school of Art and Design 1997-2007.
Wrote three books and numerous articles on the relation of aesthetics and art practices to Indian cultural traditions.
Jyoti has lectured in India and abroad. Received an honorary Doctorate from the Senate of Serampore for work relating culture to spiritual diversity, especially in the context of marginalized cultures.