The book analysis at environmental policy framing approaches within India, its priorities, challenges and opportunities. The climate change as an issue have been looked through in detail from all aspects like equity, poverty, diplomacy, policy framework, etc… The COP in Copenhagen was an important milestone in International climate Negotiations and weighing all the aspects of taking a decision, the author has proposed a way forward
The study Evaluation of Ecosystem Services and Forest Governance by LEAD India which was supported by the Heinrich Böll Foundation deals with the important ecosystem services that flow from the forests of Uttarakhand Himalaya. It aims at sensitizing and raising awareness among the stakeholders on the value of such life supporting systems.
Copenhagen must lead to a breakthrough. The industrial countries bear double responsibility: not only do they need to take reducing their own CO2 emissions seriously, they are also called upon for the substantial financial and technological transfers needed to put developing and newly industrialized countries onto low-carbon development paths