G20-BRICS final issue, July 2015 - development: Super-Sized or sustainable? This issue highlights safeguards, global financial instability and fragility, Turkey's economy and fossil fuel subsidies, and the tension between G20 and UN leadership on infrastructure.
Development finance in India How are large-scale infrastructure projects funded in India? And how, more generally, is "development" being financed in this country? While preparations are under way to create a development bank of the BRICS states, to which India's experience (and funds) will contribute, C.P. Chandrashekhar looks at the history and practice of development finance in India.
Multi-culturalism in Germany, the Netherlands and beyond. In search of new concepts The disturbing rise of right-wing votes in several states during the recent European elections asks for a revision of the concepts of integration, diversity and multi-culturalism. Michal Bodemann is advocating a new approach to maintain immigrants' distinct cultures, while at the same time open new gateways to institutional structures. By By Y. Michal Bodemann
European Governance of Migration - The Political Management of Mobility, Economy & Security "Today international migration in connection with the issues of regional conflicts, humanitarian plights, and the integration of minorities is one of the most prominent challenges of many nations. The main goal of this project is to launch new policy recommendations for a better balance in the migration politics of the European Union By By Ralf Fücks