
Pastoralism and large-scale REnewable energy and green hydrogen projects

Potential & Threats

Large-scale renewable energy projects are being developed in the drylands of Africa, Asia and Latina America without adequate consultation with pastoralists that have been using the land for grazing their livestock since time memorial. This report examines evidence from existing large-scale projects. It argues that an inclusive participatory design of such projects is necessary to safeguard human rights and ensure mutual benefit for pastoralist communities and society at large.


>> This publication is part of our dossier Green Hydrogen - Sustainable investment and fair trade

Product details
Date of Publication
May 2022
Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung, Brot für die Welt
Number of Pages
Language of publication
Table of contents
  • Foreword by Jörg Haas, Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung
  • List of acronyms
  • Acknowledgements
  • Executive summary
  1. Introduction
  2. Current situation, trends & perspectives in generating “green” energy in drylands
  3. Impact of large-scale green-energy projects on pastoralists

    3.1 Cases documented in India

    3.2 Cases documented in Mexico

    3.3 Case documented in Norway

    3.4 Case documented in Morocco

    3.5 Case documented in Canada

    3.6 Cases documented in Mongolia

    3.7 Cases documented in Kenya
  4. Possibilities of combining green energy & pastoralism

    4.1 Potential for dual-purpose land use for grazing and generating green energy

    4.2 Challenges to negotiating co-existence of pastoralism and green energy
  5. Discussion & conclusions
  6. Recommendations

    6.1 For policymakers, energy companies and investors

    6.2 For nongovernmental organisations (NGOs) & civil society organisations (CSOs)

    6.3 For researchers
  • References
  • Annex 1: Methodology
  • Annex 2: Experiences of pastoralists in interaction with green-energy projects in Kenya

    Development of renewable energy projects in Kenya

    Pastoralists’ land rights in Kenya

    Acquisition of pastoral land for green-energy projects in Kenya

    Pastoralism and green-energy cases in Kenya

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