
A toolkit for participatory village energy planning

Number of the organizations have been involved in community based energy initiatives in India. The basic characteristic of most of these initiatives is establishment of a community managed revenue model. The present toolkit on draws lesion from the practical experiences on community based renewable energy project.

Banking on forests: Assets for a climate cure?

Strategies of valuation and compensation of forest loss are central to forest regulation in India. A new book by Kanchi Kohli and Manju Menon looks at the continuity between the domestic regulation on forests and the new abstractions created by the climate change discourse in the form of REDD and REDD+

HALF LIFE: Radioactive waste in India

Nuclear Energy generation is slated to rise in the coming decades from the present 3 percent to upto 20 percent in the energy mix of India. With climate change concerns, nuclear energy is now being brought back and reconsidered as 'clean' and 'zero cost' energy. The amount of waste created will increase manifold