India International

India’s development co-operation: Case of four countries

India’s development assistance has gained prominence in recent years, and there has been a sustained strengthening of ties with its neighbors. In this study hbs partner VANI takes a closer look at the strategic motives and socio-economic impacts of India’s development cooperation with Bhutan, Nepal, Indonesia and Combodia.

India-Africa partnership: A civil society perspective

India-Africa civil society reflections on the “Third India-Africa Forum Summit” held in October 2015. The publication is an event report on a seminar that brought civil society representatives from India and Africa to dialogue for greater developmental co-operation.

Development finance in BRICS countries

The recent establishment of the New (BRICS) Development Bank has raised hopes for new approaches in development finance, while fears emerged that social and environmental standards may being weakened. A new study looks at the experience and past performance of BRICS countries in development financing.

Perspectives Asia #3: A continent on the move

Asia, the world’s most populous continent, has been undergoing a dramatic transformation. Globalization and new technologies are leading millions of people out of poverty. At the same time thousands have to leave their country. A continent on the move.