India at COP29: Holding the line on climate finance Article Developed countries need to scale up their climate finance commitments to enable developing countries to transition and adapt to climate change. Developing countries need to meet them halfway by being more ambitious about mitigation targets. By Srijani Datta
Hopes and challenges for climate-displaced communities Article The decision at COP28 to operationalise the Loss and Damage Fund is a welcome move but it needs to be put on the fast track to ensure a secure future for vulnerable people. By Ranjan K Panda
Just, orderly and equitable climate transition Article The decision of moving away from fossil fuels, and operationalisation of the loss and damage fund are major wins from COP28. By Chandra Bhushan
COP 28: A reality check Article The 28th conference is a milestone event where the international community must confront the harsh truths about our collective (and differentiated) efforts to combat climate emergency. By Chandra Bhushan
A mixed bag Article The Glasgow climate conference has delivered enough to keep the hope alive for meeting the 1.5°C climate goal. By Chandra Bhushan
Have realistic expectations from COP26 Article A great hype has been created around the 26th Conference of Parties (COP26) at Glasgow. John Kerry, the US climate Czar, has repeatedly called the meeting the world’s “last best chance” to avoid climate hara-kiri. Similar sentiment has been expressed by UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres. More than 100 world leaders attended this climate gala in the first week, including Prime Minister Narendra Modi and President Joe Biden. By Chandra Bhushan
Planning ‘just’ energy transition Article On the first day of the Glasgow climate conference – COP26 – the biggest announcement came from India. Ending speculations on whether India ‘will’ or ‘can’ make a net-zero pledge, Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced that the country will reach net-zero emissions by 2070. How ambitious are these targets? By Chandra Bhushan
Unpacking finance for Loss and Damage Dossier Differentiating finance types, developing countries’ needs and the lessons from the Covid-19 pandemic