
Plastic infobrief

वैश्विक प्लाास्टिक प्रदूषण से संघर्ष

Published: 14 March 2024
संपूर्ण प्लास्टिक चक्र पर एक नारीवादी दृष्टिकोण से आलोचनात्मक नज़र भी महत्वपूर्ण है, क्योंकि प्लाास्टिक समस्या को केवल उपभोक्ता उपयोग पैटर्न या कॉस्मेटिक उत्पादों में हानिकारक माइक्रोप्लास्टिक तक सीमित नहीं किया जा सकता है। इसके विपरीत, प्लास्टिक चक्र का प्रत्येक चरण अलग-अलग लिंग-विशिष्ट अनुभवों और जोखिमों को दर्शाता है।

Perspectives Asia #11: Transitions

Published: 13 March 2023
Change is all around us; experiencing it can be exciting or worrisome, confusing or even disturbing. By contrast, the idea of “transition” stands to provide a sense of direction, in a sea of change and insecurity. Change may be happening to us; a transition has direction, it can be planned, perhaps even be initiated. It moves into a positive, sustainable direction – or so we hope.
Basic Income

Basic Income | Livelihood

Published: 5 July 2021
This English publication by Adrienne Goehler deals with the mutual relationship between sustainability, basic income and collective deceleration. The work shows that in the discourse on transformation and sustainability in the fight against the constantly advancing climate change, a systematic integration of the issues of social inequality and the global creation of decent livelihoods are absolutely necessary.
Hong Kong

Perspectives Asia #9: Two Sides of the Medals

Published: 1 October 2020
This issue of Perspectives Asia examines the intersections of sports and politics. We look at how, through sports, identities are shaped, myths and heroes are born, and unconventional truths are buried.

Digital India through a gender lens

Published: 1 August 2018
This policy discussion paper seeks to present a critical overview of Digital India, evaluating the extent to which the outcome areas of the program address gender-transformative change. It also offers suggestions for building an enabling environment to expand opportunities and strategic life choices for women, and contributing to gender equality, as economic, social and political arenas are fundamentally redefined by digital technologies. This paper draws upon a detailed policy study titled ‘Digital India through a Gender Lens’, undertaken by the authors in 2017-18, with support from the Heinrich Böll Stiftung.

Occupation of the coast – Blue economy in India

Published: 26 April 2018
The Blue Economy involves economic activity that engages with the various components of the oceans. As the Blue Economy gets underway, this research report re-visits various aspects of coastal development and weaves together a narrative of their impacts on the fishing communities.

Centrepiece: New writing and art from Northeast India

Published: 16 April 2018
Curated and put together by writer and graphic artist Parismita Singh, 21 women writers and artists come together in this stunning collection that combines words and pictures to explore the theme of women and work in the Northeast.

Of body and biotechnology: A gendered interrogation

Published: 13 February 2018
The approach paper by SAMA draws attention to the legal, ethical and gendered imprints of the newer biotechnologies in healthcare, such as regenerative medicine and genomics that have begun to make inroads into the Indian market.

After decades of silence: Voices from Mizoram

Published: 14 December 2016
After 20 years of violence in Mizoram, a Peace Accord concluded in 1986 and the creation of a full-fledged state provided the base for a long-term successful settlement. Margaret Ch. Zama and C. Lalawmpuia Vanchiau have reviewed publications on Mizo history over the last five decades, with a specific focus on the era of turmoil year from the 1960s to the 1980s.