Urban Trees Dossier

Regulating Urban Trees in India

Issues and Challenges

This report highlights the scope and functions of a dozen tree laws implemented in different states in India. The implementation of these laws has come to public focus in recent years due to the growing number of cases of large-scale tree felling in Indian cities.

The government use of mechanisms like compensatory afforestation and tree transplantation adopted to make up for large scale tree losses and the lack of information, transparency and public participation in tree regulation procedures have also been criticized by public campaigns on tree protection.

The content and outcomes of these laws also indicate that they are not equipped to

deal with rapidly changing urban realities and the intense pressure on ecologies from real estate and urban infrastructure growth. They also do not speak to the biggest environmental issues of our times such climate change, biodiversity loss, water scarcity and air pollution.

Product details
Date of Publication
8 July 2022
Heinrich Boll Stiftung Regional Office New Delhi
Number of Pages
All rights reserved
Language of publication
Table of contents

1. Introduction                                                                                                     

    1.1 Services and Benefit of Trees                                                                   

    1.2 Trees Protection In Indian Cities                                                            

    1.3 Critiques Of Urban Tree Campaigns  


2. Compartative Analysis of Tree Protection Laws In India                  

    2.1 Preamble & Stated Purpose of State Level Legislations                     

    2.2 Jurisdiction Of State Level Acts & Rules                                                 

    2.3 Definitions Of ‹Tree› & ‹Felling Of Tree› in state level Tree


    2.4 Approval for Tree Felling & Compensation                                           

    2.5 Role Of Tree Authorities                                                                            

    2.6 Fines and Penalties                                                                                     

    2.7 Appeal Procedures in State Tree Legislations                                       

    2.8 Litigation on Implementation of Tree Laws   


3. Government Measures to Manage Tree Loss                                          

    3.1 Compensatory Afforestation                                                                     

    3.2 Tree Transplantation                       


4. Public Campaigns to Protect Trees In Urban Areas                              

    4.1 Trees Of Aarey Forest In Mumbai                                                           

    4.2 Delhi Tree SOS & Redevelopment of Government

          Housing colonies           


5. Conclusion       


6. Annexures                                                                                                          

    6.1 Sample Format for Complaints regarding Tree Felling                      

    6.2 Right To Information response on status of tree status of

           tree census in Delhi                                                                                     

    6.3 Tree Protection Laws analysed in this Report                                        

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