

India is one of the world’s ‘mega diversity’ countries teeming with wildlife and plant species richness. The country boasts of significant biodiversity hotspots and is endowed with rich reserves of minerals and natural resources. The country’s physical features and climatic conditions favour a host of ecosystems that not only sustain biodiversity but also harbour rich cultural diversity. This biodiversity however, is threatened by the destruction and degradation of ecosystems by over overexploitation. The changes in climate due to anthropogenic sources has the world reeling under its dire impacts and India is no exception. Extreme weather events are ravaging cities, towns and villages’ alike, obliterating lives, livelihoods, and pushing more and more people on the verge of penury. In the last several decades, India has been on a rapid economic growth trajectory but the pursuit of GDP led development has only intensified inequalities and poverty. This economic development has also come at the cost of environmental impacts, such as massive land degradation, air pollution that is among the world’s highest, polluted water bodies and mounting piles of waste that are increasingly difficult to recycle or recover. Recognizing the many challenges that climate change and ecological degradation has put forth, many actors across civil society, academia and government are putting forward measures to alleviate them. the country has been taking measures to alleviate them. Our work under our ecology component strives especially to support initiative of diverse actors in the fields of energy transition, protection of environment and resources as well as in bringing forth alternative worldviews and paradigms to our interaction with ecology overall.


Sadia Sohail

Programme Coordinator (Ecology)

Events & Announcements

Unpacked book


Specifically developed and designed for a young international audience, the digital book "Unpacked! Plastic, Waste, & Me" answers 70 questions about plastic in colorful infographics and six true stories. Book designer and author Gesine Grotrian and a team of experts from the Heinrich Böll Foundation together with an advisory board of young people from all over the world have created an exciting non-fiction book for young people aged 12 and over.
Plastic Atlas Asia Edition cover

Plastic Atlas Asia Edition

 In 20 chapters, the Plastics Atlas Asia Edition wants to offer the growing risk of plastic waste in the environment, landfills and the oceans with a focus in Asia.

Energy Atlas: Figures and facts about renewables in Europe

The European Energy Atlas 2018 is published at a time when the EU Member States are discussing their energy and climate strategy until 2013. It thereby not only provides a compass on the differing energy discussions in Europe but also reveals how a Europeanization of the energy transition will be the more efficient and cost-effective option for all Europeans.

Vikalp Sangam core group statement on the need for creative, long-term alternatives in view of COVID-19

As India and the world face a completely unprecedented crisis due to the spread of COVID-19 virus, the first and immediate response must be health and treatment facilities, physical distancing, relief and basic needs packages to workers, basic need services, and other such measures that both reduce the risk of spread as also provide economic and survival security to those worst affected not only by infection but by the shutdown of ordinary life.

More on Resources & Sustainable Development

Informing the Indo-German solar energy partnership

India’s ambitious solar power target of achieving 100 gigawatt (GW) by 2022 faces several impediments. A series of consultations were organized to understand the challenges from a broad group of stakeholders and to seek inputs on solar policy requirements to pave way for India’s energy transition.

The Ocean Atlas

Overfishing, the loss of biodiversity, and an immense pollution – the seas are under stress. The Ocean Atlas 2017 delivers in more than 40 infographics and articles all the relevant data, facts and contexts.
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