Our Team

Heinrich Böll Stiftung Regional Office in New Delhi

Green is the future. The only way to remain relevant.

Being Green is compelling….To be a thinker, diligently conscience of my impacts on Earth, our only Home. We need to care, an awful lot …to be able to celebrate the color of the Earth, a Glorious Green!”
Green for me espouses a state of equitable, just and sustainable being of people, communities and environment on our shared planet.
Green for me is a collective energy of thought and action; towards centering diversity, pluralism and inclusion in our worldviews, conversations and dialogues; on society, environment and democracy.
Green for me is the production of desires to evoke unity of mental, social and environmental spheres.

Green for me is a colour signifying the healthier and sustainable ecosystem with fairly equal distribution of opportunities to all.
Green means to Identify the Essentials, Eliminates the rest. It is great wealth to a soul to live frugally with contented mind.
Green for me is promoting discussions around environment, democratic rights and equality.

Green to me signifies a 'positive greed' for 'growth', 'goodwill, 'glory' and 'gratitude'. It is the colour of earth and therefore, symbolic of all the inherent and beautiful qualities of Nature.
Green for me is creating awareness about environmental conservation.